Thursday, April 4, 2013

Invasive Species Guidebook for Ontario

Invasive Species Guidebook

Authors: Lisa M. Derickx and Pedro M. Antunes, Invasive Species Research Institute, Algoma University
Foreword by Professor John Klironomos, University of British Columbia
Exotic species are introduced as a result of human travel and trade. That is, directly or not, they are intricately linked to the choices we make as consumers. A fraction of introduced species become invasive and this represents an increasing threat to natural ecosystems, the economy and to society.
Protecting and alleviating natural and managed ecosystems from the pressures imposed by exotic invasive species is only possible through knowledge about why certain invaders are indeed detrimental and need to be controlled. Given the sheer dimension in terms of number of native species affected and area invaded, public participation through involvement in monitoring and control activities is crucial to counteract the problem. To this effect, it is important to know exactly what to look for and what tools are available to monitor and control exotic invaders.
This is the first comprehensive guidebook for terrestrial exotic invasive species in Ontario, Canada. It focuses on the biology, ecology and management of species that invade hardwood forests, which are major natural resource in Canada. The forestry sector accounts for billions of dollars annually and many thousands of jobs.
The book is divided in two main sections. The first provides an introduction to the importance of hardwood forests in Ontario as well as an overview about management practices. The second section focuses on invasive species accounts for fourteen plants, five insects and six pathogens. These species were selected based on science-based criteria stemming from their economic, environmental and societal effects. The book is aimed at a broad audience, including academics, students, natural resource managers, woodlot owners and the general public.
Printed copies are available fro $45 CAD either through the Invasive Species Research Institute (drop by our office) or
Electronic copies in pdf are free. Click here to download. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Python Challenge: 400 Sign Up For Dangerous Everglades Snake Hunt

Nearly 400 people have signed up to enter the Everglades and do battle with Burmese pythons, the giant constrictors that have emerged as the latest and weirdest threat to South Florida's wildlife.
The 2013 Python Challenge, which begins Saturday, has attracted participants and media interest from around the United States for a monthlong event that will feature prizes of $1,000 for catching the longest snakes and $1,500 for catching the most.
Participants do not need hunting licenses, unless they're under 18, or have experience with snakes. The only required training can be done online. Given those slender requirements, some have questioned the wisdom of encouraging amateurs with firearms, particularly non-hunters, to take on pythons in the wild.
"Going out into the bush in Florida is a potentially dangerous thing to do," said Stuart Pimm, a prominent Everglades scientist who is professor of conservation ecology at Duke University. "This is very, very rough terrain. Getting stuck out there without enough water could be a life-terminating experience."
But assuming people use caution, he said, they could kill enough of the giant snakes to help the Everglades.
"This is a very serious threat indeed," he said. "It could radically change the composition of the species that we find in the Everglades, and the Everglades have enough threats without the snakes. I think extreme measures are extremely appropriate."

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Dr. John D. Madsen to Speak at Aquatic Plant Management Workshop in British Columbia

Dr. John D. Madsen, Mississippi State University, has been invited to speak at an aquatic plant management workshop hosted by the Frasier Basin Council, British Columbia, on February 15, 2013 in Abbotsford, British Columbia.  He will be speaking on the biology, ecology, and management of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum).
Dr. Madsen is part of the Geosystems Research Institute at Mississippi State University, a NAISN member organization.

Dr. John D. Madsen, Invited Speaker at Aquatic Invasive Plants – Approaches to Management in Ontario

Dr. John D. Madsen, Mississippi State University, was an invited speaker to the workshop “Aquatic Invasive Plants – Approaches to Management in Ontario,” September 13, 2012 in Peterborough, Ontario.  The workshop was organized by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and reviewed management programs and responses to invasive aquatic plants in that province. 
Dr. Madsen is part of the Geosystems Research Institute at Mississippi State University, a NAISN member organization.

Dr. John D. Madsen, Invited Speaker at Symposium on the Biology and Management of Monoecious Hydrilla

Dr. John D. Madsen, of Mississippi State University, was an invited speaker at the workshop, “Symposium on the Biology and Management of Monoecious Hydrilla,” September 11-12, 2012 in Syracuse, NY.  
Dr. Madsen is part of the Geosystems Research Institute at Mississippi State University, a NAISN member organization. 
The Symosium, organized by the City of Ithaca, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and US Army Corp of Engineers Buffalo District, was held in response to the discovery of monoecious hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) in Cayuga Lake, New York.  His presentation was entitled “Does Monoecious Hydrilla Pose a Unique Threat to Glacial Lakes:  Let Me Count the Ways.”